Risk Management - A Challenge in Health


The 2nd National Conference organized in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Titu Maiorescu University and Calitakropolis - 2016

ACADEMY OF SCIENTISTS from Romania, TITU MAIORESCU University - Institute of Studies, Research, Development, Innovation and Calitakropolis SRL organizes the event under the auspices of the Ministry of Health on November 4, 1916, at the headquarters of the Academy of Scientists in Splaiul Independentei no. 54, Sector 5, Bucharest.

The National Conference 2nd Edition "RISK MANAGEMENT - A CHALLENGE IN HEALTH" is addressed to over 400 managers from public and private hospital institutions in Romania, with the primary objective of raising awareness of the benefits brought by correct and coherent risk management in the context of alignment to European standards in the field.