What does Calitakropolis bring to you?
As much as we would like to avoid legal terms that increasingly accompany medical ones, unfortunately, we cannot do that. But we promise to significantly reduce paper consumption and to transfer everything possible to digital!
The proposed challenge:
- Digitizing MediQapp in your hospital
- The GREEN HOSPITAL concept implemented ahead of others in România
- E-learning and E-health support colleagues in making the most accurate medical decisions for the safety of all hospital patients!

Who are we?
As a result of over 15 years of experience in providing tailored solutions towards added value, we initiated the digitization of quality management in public and private hospitals and clinics in Romania. We introduced the MediQApp application, a software innovation of national and international interest.
The added value of the MediQapp solution lies in its modeling capacity for any ISQua member country in MVP and start-up business format..
The new version of MediQapp has no competition and is the result of a top-notch team of professionals in scientific research, medical malpractice consulting, and healthcare management, alongside our IT developers.
Sustainability in hospitals through the digital innovation of MediQapp
The MediQapp application (www.mediqapp.ro) is short for Medical Quality Application and represents a complex computer system that assists public or private hospitals, clinics, and medical offices in the remote management and integrated management of Health Service Quality. It covers Quality Management, Risk Management (the entire Internal Managerial Control System), and Accreditation by the National Authority for Quality Management in Healthcare (ANMCS), with the possibility of centralization at the network level of Healthcare and scalability in countries whose accreditation complies with ISQua requirements.

Green Hospital Concept for any ISQua member
Romanian Healthcare Award for Excellence in Medical Innovation.

Our mission is to make available our experience, knowledge, and entire innovative capacity to provide solutions tailored to the needs of our clients.
Exploring new fields and markets for our products takes into account all potential contributions from suppliers and business partners, promoting collaborative relationships with them.
Business excellence through professionalism and continuous improvement. Modern modeling towards added value through responsiveness and a focus on innovation.

Get in touch with us
Headquarters: Str 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 21, C/66, Galati, Judet Galati, 800511
Service location: Str Johannes Kepler nr. 2.0, Sector 2, Bucuresti, 020346