The Digitalization MediQapp Brings the Professional
to the Best Performance in Quality Management of Health Services and Accreditation

The Digitization of MediQapp Brings the Professional to the Best Performance in Quality Management of Health Services and Accreditation.
A high standard of professionalism must be constantly pursued in hospitals to provide medical services of the highest quality, as well as safety and security for patients and the medical staff. All these require healthcare professionals to adapt to new requirements with care and competence towards patients, synthesizing with a high degree of professionalism in the Quality Management of Health Services and Accreditation in Romania

Creating High-Performance Professional Identities through E-Health with Personalized E-Learning via MediQapp
Enhancing healthcare management and human resources capacity remotely successfully creates high-performance professional identities for improving knowledge, skills, and competencies related to activities in health service management. It also strengthens the professional capacity of human resources in the medical field and Quality Management
How are doctors assisted through MediQapp?
The application provides Reputation
If you've experienced some hiccups during the previous accreditation, now is the time to be well-prepared for a 'respectable performance' during the ANMCS evaluation.
Universally Accepted Content!
Participation through simplified tasks becomes collaboration that will bring solutions unanimously accepted by the team, ensuring the efficient organization of the entire management system.
Time saved for the doctor in medical-pacient activities
Without group meetings and with individual tasks, each user focuses on what they know best and efficiently addresses specific issues assigned to them personally.
Clarity of activities
The application gathers all your daily tasks in one place, at any time of the day, to help you always know what needs to be done. You can find them centrally on your account.
Doubled Productivity
The existence of the optimized INTRANET in an integrated Accreditation Preparation system, by completely eliminating paper copies, saves money and effort in organizing ANMCS evaluation binders
Colleagues' work for common benefit!
Actions related to ANMCS accreditation preparation and committee meetings are minimized through specific automations. An action in one department addresses requests in another area of activity.
Remote Efficiency
With minimal effort and without physical meetings, the productivity and performance of remote teams are ensured. You can find the activity of everyone on your account dynamically and with immediate statistics. Reporting is automated!
You prove you are a better colleague!
Achieve the best performance in the ANMCS evaluation through innovative technologies that guarantee results without hassle! You have your copy of the evidence that achieves compliance with ANMCS Accreditation Standards.
No fines during inspections!
The immediate identification of requirements by any control body in the virtual library developed in MediQapp eases the collective effort on that specific topic, and the final result will not incur financial penalties.
Why MediQapp?
From any medical background to a better professional
Hospital practitioners enhance their quality thinking through E-training. Each individual, including self-learners, can be included on their user account through the simplified organization provided by the system's automations.
Focus on solutions
Simplified tasks help doctors understand the requirements, and medical organizations gain added value by eliminating unnecessary physical meetings. It integrates all operations, completely eliminating the time wasted in the old system with Xerox copies.
About clinical risks
Identification of general and clinical risks is simplified to the level of simple nominal activities. The internal managerial control system is developed and centralized remotely.
Scaling According to ISQua Requirements
The information system has the customization capability for any hospital in Romania and any other hospital worldwide, with priority given to countries where ISQua accreditation standards are implemented.
Directive for Digital Transformations
For the sustainability of the healthcare system, it is vital for hospitals to adopt long-term strategic plans towards digital transformation. Immediate access to continuously updated data facilitates interoperability between departments and streamlines medical work, alongside technical, administrative, and logistical aspects.
The Green Hospital through MediQapp serves as the catalyst between data availability, information quality, and their utility, reducing paper waste and saving users' time. MediQapp is a product developed as a natural continuous improvement, aligned with the current requirements of the healthcare system and European standards.
Digitalizing MediQapp implements the "Green Hospital and Climate Change" Concept

Digital Quality Management Systems and Eco-Friendly Process Design Control
A configured and implemented digital QMS is designed to meet the needs of risk assessment, compliance, process analysis, control, and documentation. While paper is not entirely replaced, it proves to be a solution that was simply not made to handle the ever-evolving and growing scenarios of quality management.
The digital quality management solution securely holds all drafting documentation in a safe location, making version control a simplified process

The Green Hospital in Quality Management where MediQapp Software Makes the Difference
Digitization transforms the management and control process into an integrated one that can be easily adapted to the functional needs of quality management, something paper-based management systems cannot achieve. The application manages to resolve the new layers of complexity and uncertainty in the quality management process more quickly than the user expects, a task that the classical method assimilates slowly and over a relatively long time.

Real Contribution to Documentation Update and Storage
The Cloud-based MediQapp system succeeds, through its complex structure, in operationalizing the performances of all users based on the valorization of good medical practices and support. Strengthening managerial and technical capacity at all levels of organizational management in healthcare units brings an innovative perspective to monitoring accreditation preparation, eliminating the risk of failure in the ANMCS evaluation.
Contact us and have a free demo for 7 days!
- Str 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 21, C/66, Galati, 020346
- Str Johannes Kepler 2.0,020346, Sector 2, București