Learning from COVID-19 - Transforming Health Services IHF Virtual Forum


The online event, November 4-5, 2020, has 90 speakers, and 32 sessions, the objective being - Learning from COVID-19 - Transforming health services. It was a success, attracting participants from 56 countries around the world

The COVID crisis has put tremendous pressure on both public and private hospitals. It also discovered the structural financial weaknesses of hospitals as autonomous organizations. This session will focus on the main financial structural challenges facing hospitals and possible options to overcome them.

Simultaneous sessions:

  • How hospitals should evolve: patient and community reflections
  • Adapting buildings and equipment for the future
  • Transforming supply, logistics, and infrastructure beyond COVID-19
  • Mobilizing adequate funding for health services

Media partners:

- International Journal of Hospitals and Nursing

The latest international patient treatment options, worldwide hospital news, and analysis on access to care, including payer issues, international private health insurance product developments, and news from industry bodies and associations.

- International Hospital Magazin magazine

- The journal about mHealth