International Conference "ISQUA and Quality Management from Romania"
Romanian Academy of Scientists, "Titu Maiorescu" University, Calitakropolis, online, 30.09.2020, Romania

For the first time in Romania, Dr. Peter LACHMAN, CEO of the International Society for Quality Management in Health (ISQua) is participating in the online event "ISQua and Quality Management in Romania", where he will transfer the experience and best practices of over 180 countries ISQua members, where health systems face various situations in digitization and the integration of E-Health and E-Learning.

The Calitakropolis company launches version 4.0 of the only digital application in Romania – MediQApp with improved functionalities and top international security. The innovative application MediQApp for quality management in hospitals generates a significant decrease in the costs of preparation for the accreditation of the National Authority for Quality Management in Health (ANMCS), and solves any risk of fines, with optimal results in any control carried out by the authorities.
The conference is addressed to decision-makers from the health units of the medical system (managers, directors), doctors and medical staff in general, ANMCS evaluators of health services and patients in Romania.